Download MyDoggy


Package Version Release date Category
MyDoggy 1.5.0 (Beta 1) December, 2010 Stable Download
MyDoggy 1.4.2 April, 2008 Stable Download

System Requirements

JDK 1.5 or above
Memory No minimum requirement
Disk The distro is approximately 5MB, but the core jars are approximately 0.7MB
Operating System No minimum requirement. Tested on Windows XP, Ubuntu 8.04.


  1. Unzip to the directory you wish to unzip it.
  2. To use MyDoggy add to your classpath
    1. mydoggy_1.5.0-api.jar,
    2. mydoggy_1.5.0-plaf.jar,
    3. mydoggy_1.5.0-res.jar and
    4. TableLayout-20020517.jar.

You will find these dependencies into the lib folder.